Germ Factories | Covid-19 Containment
Gotta get this out there! Schools as we have known them are germ factories. Why are we even discussing returning children to some sanitized horror factory of what they used to be? Let's not talk about trying to do schools as close to what they used to be to contain the virus. Let's talk about containment. The reason our current school systems are such germ factories is that there are simply too many children in one place. One kid gets sick and the whole community gets sick because that child spreads it to every family in the school. Let's limit the exposure. Why not restructure our schools, or at least our classes. One-room schoolhouses were once the norm in our nation for the elementary grades. Let's return to that. Imagine classes of 15 to 20 students with one teacher and one aide composed of 2 to 7 families of children. In this way, if one child gets sick, he/she only infects a small number of people in the community. Then, those families can take precautions to cont...