
Showing posts from February, 2022

Impromptu Dental Unit

Toothless here inspired an impromptu dental unit this week. We made these cute little "fuzzy" teeth and talked about how bacteria grow on our teeth.  I printed out the smaller tooth template from this website: Then we glued a couple of googly eyes to them and covered them with tiny pieces of cotton. We also made toothbrushes from craft sticks and brown construction paper.  Then we watched this cute little video: Come to find out February is actually Dental Health Month. How appropriate!  

Learning Math is Like Learning to Ride a Bike.

  Mighty Red is now pretty much an independent adder. We started out with him on my lap as his sister and I played math games. He would move the pieces while I gave the answers. Then we moved to him copying me as I did the finger math. For the past several weeks, we have been doing the problems on our fingers together, but this week he announced that he could do this and just took off without me! When I was in school, having someone help me like I have helped Mighty Red would have been shameful and "cheating". Go ahead, help your kids "cheat". It works!