Our Start | Homeschooling By Accident

Our journey into homeschooling began because I was believing God for a Christian education for my kids. We were extremely poor. We had one car and lived in a house with no toilet at the time. The closest Christian school was more than 30 minutes away. Even if we had been given scholarships, the car situation made the prospect of a Christian school nearly impossible, but with God all things are possible! When my daughter turned 5, I reluctantly sent her off to the local kindergarten for ½ day sessions, since no answer to my prayer was in sight. She did well there and had a ball. The next year I thought my oldest son was ready to learn to read, but the woman who taught kindergarten in town was very wise. She told me, “ I don’t care how smart he is. He is 4 ½ and he’s a boy. He will be bouncing off the walls and he’s not coming into my classroom.” Later I realized she was absolutely right, but at the time I got all in a huff and decided to “see what I could do on my own!” I ordered ...