Educationese | The Art of Making Everyday Learning Sound Really Complicated

One of the very first things anyone who wants to homeschool ought to learn is how to speak “Educationese”. Educationese is an industry language created by education professionals to categorize, organize and describe learning. It is one of the reasons those who have been through 13 or more years of traditional school feel intimidated when entertaining the idea of teaching their own children, but it’s really just the difference between “interdigitation” and “holding hands”. It’s not hard. Educationese just takes a little creativity and practice. When you incorporate Educationese into your description of your children’s learning, you gain credibility and you will impress your friends and family.
Here’s how:
For two weeks, don’t “do” any school. Just keep a list of the things your kids are doing. Then at the end of each day, see if you can fit those things into educational categories.
Make bed, straighten room: Home-Ec
At breakfast talked about vitamin C in orange juice: Life Science – Nutrition
Devotions: Religion
Watched “Animaniacs” on TV, discussed events and people mentioned: History
Read “Little House on the Prairie” book: American History, Language Arts
Planted seeds for garden: Science
Bike riding: PE
At lunch talked about the Earl of Sandwich: History
Baked cookies – kids did measuring: Math
Played Monopoly: Math
Made Tin Can Pencil Holders: Art
Tree Climbing: PE
Coloring: Art
Help Dad fix car:  Physical Science
Watch News: Current Events
Played Guitar Hero: Music
Chat w/cousin on FB:  Language Arts
Sunday school and church can be counted as Religion, music, and usually art. Club activities such as 4-H or Scouts can be science, social studies or other subjects. Going to the grocery store can be language arts, science, and math if your kids read labels and compare prices. Trips can be social studies. Have your kids follow along on a map and make scrapbooks about the places they visited …
As you incorporate Educationese into your everyday life, your confidence in being able to teach your own children will increase, your friends and family will be impressed and your kids will start complaining, “Mom, you make EVERYTHING into school!”
Life is learning! Go for it!
~God Bless You All!
Grama Sue


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