Easter Symbols | Pagan Holiday?

There was one religion in the beginning. Every religion is a perversion of the original. God is the one and only creator. The enemy can only pervert what God has already created. My personal belief is that early Christians followed Paul's example by searching other religions for traces of the true religion to help them connect with those who would listen to them. Easter and Christmas do have pagan roots, but even before that the concepts of new life and light in the darkness came from seed birthed in the heart of God. As Christianity spread into Gentile lands, the symbols and ideas embedded in pagan religions were reborn into the revelations that God intended for them in the first place.

The egg is a symbol of new life in religions around the world. In Christian tradition, it is a symbol of the tomb. Hiding the egg symbolizes the hiding of Jesus body in the earth. #holidaysymbols

What is the one thing rabbits are best known for? Their capacity to multiply! God has given us a commandment to multiply the new life He has given us. What better way to teach your kids about this than by hiding eggs (symbolizing the death and resurrection of Christ) that a rabbit has hidden? Our job is to plant the seed of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God in the hearts of those around us. When we do, God will multiply us like crazy!

The Easter basket reminds us of two things.
1. The basket that Moses was placed in and placed in the Nile among the bulrushes.
2. The gathering of the saints. The Bible teaches us that we should not neglect gathering together with others who believe and that God will gather all of us together at the Second Coming.

The grass we place in our baskets reminds us that our lives here on earth are temporary, but God will take care of us just like He does the grass of the field. (Matthew 6:30) He is also a safe refuge for us just as the nest is for the birds. #holidaysymbols

We give sweets at Easter to remind us of the sweet gifts that God gives to us! 

Teach your kids about Passover and all the Jewish holidays, but don't let people tell you that celebrating Easter is sinful. Keep Christ at the center and teach your children the truth about the redeemed pagan symbols.


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