A Day At My House | A Homeschool Routine Example

We don't follow a strict schedule at my house, but we do have a basic routine because routines help kids feel secure. Every family will have a different routine because every family is different. Here's a typical day at my house: In the morning, the kids get up and watch tv quietly while I work on my Bible name translation project, schedule posts on my FB page, or work on learning the foreign languages I want to learn. When the kids get hungry, we have breakfast, brush teeth and hair, and get dressed. Then we do our morning chores and head outside to play for a bit. Once we have the wiggles out, I read the kids their pick of library books and do a project or play a game, followed by snack time. Next, I work with each of the kids individually while the other plays educational games on the computer. After lunch, we head outside again for at least 1/2 hour, and then it's rest time. Each of the kids picks out a Bible cartoon and everyone sits quietly until they are over. ...