Colonial Day

 Once a month, Shanda and I try to plan a special educational-themed party. This month we planned a one-hour party in the Nauvoo State Park, but since it was a little chilly and we only had 2 families involved, we decided to have it at my house and make a whole day of it. 

We started out by making meat pies. corn pudding and butter for lunch. 

Instead of making a big pie, we opted for making individual pastries so everyone could be involved in rolling out the dough. We used whole wheat to make it more authentic and talked about how the grain would be processed, the meat would be cooked, and colonial ovens.

We also made butter by shaking 1/2 pint of cream in a jar. We all took turns and it took forever! After each round of shaking, we would check the butter and the kids would taste it. This picture is the final product: butter and a cup of buttermilk!

After lunch, we made quill pens and blueberry ink. We thought the ink would be blue, but it was actually a brown color!

We sang our 13 colonies song, with minimal tripping over the states in the speeded-up portion. You can listen to it here:

Then we played a couple of colonial games, marbles and pick-up sticks. The kids really loved the marbles game. It was hard to pull them away to make yarn dolls.

All in all, we had a great day and learned a lot! Next month's theme is Beach Party! We will be studying the beach and ocean. Bring your kids and any related songs or projects your kids would like to share! Everyone is asked to bring a snack as well. Shanda and I will provide drinks and activities. 

Date: Tuesday, June 8th
Time: 3:00 - 4:30 pm
Place: Nauvoo State Park, south shelter house

If the weather is really lousy, we will postpone it to the following Tuesday.

Please RSPV by June 1st so we can have plenty of supplies available! You can email me at or message me on Facebook.


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