
Showing posts from June, 2021

Index Cards | A Homeschool Necessity!

  When I was in school, the only thing we ever used index cards for were speeches and research papers, but these things are actually worth their weight in gold!  For homeschooling, there are only a few things that I consider essential. You can get along without fancy curriculum, lesson plans, and even the internet if need be, but index cards are a mainstay at my house! They are cheap and versatile. Over the years I've used them for sooo many activities.  Bible: Write one word (or phrase) on each from your current memory work, mix them up and race to see who can put them in the right order or set them out on the floor for a "memory walk".  Spelling: Use them for the simplest spelling curriculum ever! F or several years I tried to teach my children how to spell. Every year I would get a new “curriculum” and follow it precisely, but nothing worked. Finally came up with my own... 1st day: Find 2 words they don't know how to spell. Have them write those words 7 times. A ...

University of Iowa Insect Zoo

Friday, we went to Keokuk to see the insect zoo at the library. Lil Red was into touching everything but Princess Brilliance was a little more reserved. We saw tarantulas, giant roaches, beetles, giant centipedes, walking sticks, scorpions, and more. Here are some pics! Did you know that scorpions glow under a black light?

Beach/Ocean Party

  We had some fun at the park on Tuesday! Our theme for this month's  party was the beach/ocean. We did science experiments showing how currents work, how sharks float, and how baleen whales eat. We made sandcastles with kinetic sand. And cute little sailboats! We also played some games with hula-hoops, pool noodles, and beach balls. We decided to wait until August for our next party, but we will have a Tuesday morning hang out at the park for kids, parents, and/or caregivers if you'd like to join us. I will be at the main playground at the Nauvoo State Park around 9:30ish for an hour or two as long as it's not pouring down rain. Give me a call if you have any questions! 309-221-0785